Sponsors and Partners
CAMPFIRE has been supported by many different development partners over the years and gets different donations in kind, cash or in the form of grants to get specific projects off the ground. We are extremely grateful for support from the following groups and individuals who have played an important role in developing and sustaining CAMPFIRE:
- Norad
- EU
- FORD Foundation
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
At its inception, CAMPFIRE was implemented through the CAMPFIRE Collaborative Group. Members of this group were responsible for coordinating the various inputs, including policy, training, institution building, scientific and sociological research, monitoring and international advocacy. Below is a list of the main implementing partners of CAMPFIRE, both past and present, and their respective roles:
The CAMPFIRE Association represents Rural District Councils and rural communities involved in CAMPFIRE. The Association is the lead agency and coordinator of the programme, and also chaired the CAMPFIRE Collaborative Group in the past.
The Ministry of Environment, through the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, devolved responsibilities for wildlife management to Rural District Councils on behalf of rural communities. The Ministry and the Authority provide the programme with policy and technical advice on wildlife management. The Association also works closely with the Environmental Management Agency, which is the regulatory authority responsible for ensuring environmental protection and sustainable natural resources management, and falls under the same Ministry.
The Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development is responsible for the overall administration of the Rural District Councils, to whom the Appropriate Authority for wildlife management is devolved. Through District and Provincial Administrators, the Ministry coordinates all government departments and their activities in the districts and provinces. The Ministry administers the Traditional Leaders Act, and enforces all environmental conservation and planning laws, including land use planning on behalf of the state.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) provides ecological and economic research, monitoring, and advisory services to CAMPFIRE and also assists in training. It is an implementing partner to the Association on a number of ongoing projects.
Zimbabwe Trust focused on training, institution building, and the development of skills among community members and representatives.
The Africa Resources Trust monitored external policy and regulation that effects CAMPFIRE and provides information to decision-makers worldwide.
ACTION provided environmental education, training and materials to schools in CAMPFIRE districts.
The Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) and CASS Trust at the University of Zimbabwe were involved in socio-economic research and monitoring within CAMPFIRE communities.
The CAMPFIRE Trust was established in 2010 to enhance sustainability of conservation and rural development in Zimbabwe. The Trust is independent of the CAMPFIRE Association, with a mandate to develop new channels and mechanisms of fundraising for CAMPFIRE.